Route 4
For the printable PDF of this walk please click HERE
The route is highlighted on the map below. Measured using the tool at https://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm, this route is approximately 4.2 km (2.6 miles) with 39 m (128 ft) elevation (the cumulative height climbed). None of it is particularly steep.
To extend this walk, rather than walking all the way back to Bugthorpe along the road, soon after you join the road at point 7, you can turn off onto another footpath on the other side of the road. You can see this as the red dotted line in the map below and it is described as the lower loop of Route 2.
1. Walk up Barf Lane until you get to a slight bend in the road where there is a gateway and footpath sign to your left. Follow the sign through the gate. Walk along the hedge through three fields. This is flat but can be muddy through the gates.

This is where the footpath leaves the Barf Lane.

One of the beautiful hedge trees to be found around Bugthorpe.
2. Once you have crossed the third field, the hedge you have been following comes to an end. Turn left and walk along the long edge of the field you are already in.
3. When you get to the far end of the field, on your right there is a small footbridge over the ditch. Follow the sign through the two gates either side of the bridge. Turn left to go round the edge of this field until you reach a gate straight ahead. Go through the gate and continue straight along the edge of the next field.

At the top of a tall hedge beyond the bridge, a feast of hawthorn berries awaits some redwings.
Cross the ditch at the footbridge.
4. When you get to the end of the second field there is a sign indicating a deviation from the public right of way. This avoids walking through the field adjacent to the farm house. To follow this alternative route, turn left at the sign. Walk along the short edge of the field, go through a gap in the hedge, and then continue along the edge of the next field up the hill to the small wood.

Turn left at this sign to take the recommended route.
Look back to enjoy the view as you gain some height.
5. There is a short length of fence on the field-side edge of the field margin as you get to the wood. I think the path runs to the wood-side of the fence but there is a gap at the top so you won’t get stuck if you go the field-side. Turn right along the top edge of the wood and walk to the end.
6. At the farm track, turn left and walk down to the road.
7. Turn left at the road and walk back to the village.
Route 4 Map
For a printable pdf of the map, click here.